Interview for MysticMag

I was recently interviewed by Marko at Here is the list of questions I was asked and below that are my answers. I hope this helps you get to know me better, understand what I do and how I can help your pet and you.


1. When did you first realize you have the gift and how did it come about?

2. What services do you offer?

3. How do you establish your connection with animals, and what can a person expect from an Animal wellness consultation?

4. Could you please describe how your healing sessions look like?

5. What is the most important detail in maintaining a relationship of mutual trust with customers?

6. How has your work been affected by the pandemic?  

7. What do you love most about your profession?  

My Answers:

1. At about 6 years old. It was shocking that not everyone could hear and feel the pictures and emotions of others. I was sitting in a parking lot ( on grassy area), and a light came through the top of my head , I did not understand what it meant, but realized I was different. It lie dormant as I became the conditioned human being and then spirit at age 34, brought a lightning bolt this time. It was in Boulder, Co., and I had started a deep immersion Into all things mystical and spiritual. It was raining and thundering outside and I was going through loss , and I asked why am I here? Lightning and a rainbow appeared at once and a message came through , use your gifts to serve humanity and the plant and animal kingdom. And I have been doing just that for over two decades.

2. Massage
Long distance healing and clearing
Animal Communication
Wellness Consultations
All services for people and pets

3.  I feel into their essence and they mine. I have extremely heightened senses and I earn their mutual trust and respect. By scent , and pictures and using calming signals. If a remote session this is an extremely valuable tool. A person can expect to have clarity and harmony. I not only read their pets , I do healing as well and become the animal ( so to speak), and intuit would be for their pet’s highest good. For example, dietary change, environmental stressors, etc.

4.  I show up at my clients home ( as an in person session for example).  I use calming signals and get an over all feel for what the issue is . I then use my heart and hands to have them tell me what is in their field. I then have to put into human words and convey to their person.  I use many modalities of healing. Touch, sound, scent, signes, body wraps and other modalities to release and go forward with a plan fir optimum health and happiness. I also use my pendulum to muscle test food, meds, treats, etc.

5.  Honesty

6.  I’ve embraced technology and began doing more social media and remote healings and clearings. 

 7.  I love using the wisdom, skills and gifts I’ve been given and help people.

I am currently on these Social Media Platforms. Visit me there as I am active on these sites posting new information weekly.